If you would like to pay via Venmo, please note in Venmo payment description which class, day & time!

Venmo: @Marlisa-McLaughlin

Springbrook Elementary School 
Westerly, RI

May 10th

Private Event

A free four week wellness series of yoga and sound at Three Rivers Community College

Three Rivers students, and the Norwich Community are invited to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery & holistic well-being with our immersive 4-class wellness series where ancient wisdom meets modern wellness.

All sessions are free!

Yin Yoga with Sound Healing

Whether you come to listen to the magical sounds created by Marlisa Energy, and/or experience seated, 3 minutes poses to stretch out your connective tissue with Gary, you’re sure to to have a truly healing expereince in this specail 75 minute class!


May 3rd

 Quonochontaug Grange           Charlestown, RI                                                         6:45-8 pm


108 Sun Salutations with Gong Healing

Energize your Summer 2024! The Force WILL be with you for REAL!

 I will be playing powerful healing tones while team BPG leads you in 108 sun salutations!  We will sweat, laugh, and burn up anything your don't want to carry forward - then celebrate the return of the warm weather!!This powerful practice is best for those w/ some power vinyasa experience. AND, everyone is welcome to attend & participate to their degree, or simply soak up the atmosphere.
Doing 108 Sun Salutation is a traditional yogic marking of the change of the seasons. It's like taking a very long walk. At no point is it very difficult, but it requires commitment. With repetition we find an amazing clearing of the body & head, our postures literally become our prayers. You are certainly invited to modify and to rest as needed. Simply being in the room, surrounded by such a level of dedication will be a transformative experience!


May 4th

Baptiste Power Yoga
Groton, CT
9-11 am

MarlisaEnergy & Shakti Ma Present:

Restful Resonance at the Avondale Barn

The resonant sounds of MarlisaEnergy come together with the ethereal vocals of Shakti Ma beneath the breathtaking timbers of the Avondale barn! We invite you to become part of this unique sound experience as these these two artisan healers bring meditative frequencies together to create a restful haven in the wake of April’s full Pink Moon.

$40 ** Limited Space**

Please bring your mat, blanket, pillow , and water. Limited chair seating available.

June 1st

 Avondale Barn                                                             2 Avondale Rd,                                                         Westerly, RI                                                                             5-6:30pm

Event Locations


Bring Joy Forward



228 State Street,

New London, CT



92 Leonard Drive

Groton, CT


PATH2SELF Wellness

50 Pleasant St, Unit 2

Norwich, CT


Avondale Barn

2 Avondale Rd,

Westerly, RI



18 Franklin St.

Westerly, RI


The United Theatre

5 Canal St

Westerly, RI